Analysis of SEA-SPS Tentative Agreement 01 Sept 2010

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Keywords: Tentative Agreement,  SEA-SPS  Seattle Education Association, teachers' union, 02 Sept 2010, Sept. 2, 2010, collective bargaining agreement


See also:  PG&E proposal     Joint SEA/District plan  More about the tentative agreement  Su  SERVE Seattle proposal    PGE and SERVE comments from teachers and parents  PGE and SERVE Aug 2010     District's SERVE sounds good but isn't


SEA/SPS Certificated Tentative Agreement

SEA/SPS Classified Tentative Agreement



The ratified collective bargaining agreement, Section H,  "PG&E and Student Growth Phase-in",  subsection 1-d says this: 


"In 2013-2014, all employees of tested subjects (as outlined in Section G above) will be held accountable for meeting student growth standards."


A Summary of Article Eleven (XI) of the Ratified Agreement


Author's Comment:   The information summarized here gets at best vague passing reference in the SEA website summary of the tentative agreement, and in statements about the agreement from the SEA leadership. See for example this:  More about the tentative agreement 


I prepared this analysis in the wee hours of the morning, between the time the proposal was published (4:30 pm Wedn Sept 1) and the SEA meeting time (4:30 p.m. Sept 2). I do not understand why people are saying this agreement, which was ratified at the Sept 2 SEA meeting, does NOT include SERVE.  It may not include the acronym SERVE, but this agreement does require that student test score data will form part of the evaluation of new teachers; further, this agreement provides an opening for established teachers to be coerced into accepting that part of their evaluation will include student test score data. 


In this summary of the tentative agreement (TA) I focused on whether this TA allows for teacher eval to be based on student test growth data.  I ignored vast sections of the proposal. I focused on pages 25 and following.
Besides what the TA has to say about use of student growth data, I noticed several things:


1. With this agreement, the UNION is agreeing to the performance management policy of March 2009, that gives the superintendent broad discretion to "intervene in struggling schools," which can include replacing the principle, half the staff, closing the school (and seems to allow the sup to create charter schools if an when the legislation is passed.)   Reference: Article VIII,  Section G. Page 15: "1. SPS may choose to intervene in a school that has remained in the lowest performance level over the course of three years."
2. The TA does not require semi-monthly half days on friday.
3. The TA has a provision (page 4) for so called "Innovation Schoools."  Sounds to me like a place holder for anticipated charter school authorization legislation.  Innovation schools will get increased autonomy in return for increased accountability.  From page 4:
Innovation Schools – SEA and SPS will develop and negotiate a process, approved by both parties, that will allow agreed upon schools to be able to apply for broad exceptions from SPS policies and collective bargaining agreements in return for enhanced autonomy and accountability. The process designed will include how schools qualify and from which SPS policies and collective bargaining agreement sections schools may be exempted.  I think the District will use this clause to free the independent charter schools from having to hire union teachers. The independent charters will be allowed to hire TFA type teachers.
Focus of this summary:  The role of Student Growth Data in teacher evaluation.


Overview:  Key Clauses of the Agreement



Performance Schedule  


Expectations and Sanctions under the Comprehensive Evaluation  [Source: Article XI Section D-5 (page 29)]



Sanctions under the Comprehensive Evaluation  [Source: Article XI Section D-5 (page 29)]



Performance Schedule:  Expectations under the General Evaluation


Source: Article XI Section E-4 (page 30)


"Satisfactory performance is defined as maintaining proficiency or above in all four domains."

"a. An employee whose performance is Unsatisfactory shall be placed on a Performance Improve Plan (PIP) and receive the support of a Human Resource Consulting Teacher. He/she may be subsequently placed on probation."

"b. An employee whose performance is Basic shall develop a support plan with their supervisor. The support plan will be for three months. At that point the administrator will discontinue the support plan, continue the support plan, or place the employee on a Performance Improvement Plan based on progress made."



Other references to "Performance Schedule" in the tentative agreement.




The agreement requires that every year, a teacher will perform a self evaluation and, will, in consultation with their principal, set two student growth goals. Every certified employee will be evaluated by a principal according to one plan or the other.  For various reasons teachers can move or be moved from one plan to the other.
The agreement has two evaulation plans:  General and Comprehensive. These are the evaulation schemes that the PRINCIPAL uses to evaulate teachers.


Self-eval/setting of growth goals happens every year, and happens for all employees, in addition to the the employee under going one or other of the general an comprehensive plans.


The agreement implies that starting in 2013-2014, the student growth goals set annually by teacher (in consultation with the principal) will become a factor in the teacher's evaluation, including for teachers that are evaluated under the less punative "general evaluation plan," In addition to this, there are two other evaulation plans (more info below).


The General plan allows for teachers being put on probation (see more below),


The agreement allows principals to move teachers to the comprehensive plan (growth data as a factor kicks in) ; teachers cannot grieve such a decision


The Comprehensive plan allows for teachers on provisional contracts to be fired. Find more information below.


All new teachers will be evaluated under the comprehensive plan, never under the general.


Student growth data (defined in Section G) absolutely is a factor in teacher evaulation, and in decisions about whether to fire a teacher or not. 


Teachers subject to the Comprehensive Evaluation Plan will have the student growth data taken into account.


Teachers subject to the General Evaluation Plan

The agreement calls for a career ladder.  A teacher can opt in if 


The General plan

The Comprehensive Plan



"The decision to move an employee to the Comprehensive Evaluation is not grievable, but a meeting of the employee, his/her SEA representative, the supervisor and the SPS Executive Director of Schools may be called by the employee to discuss the reasons for the change."



FUNDING-CONTINGENCIES:  several aspects of the agreement will be curtailed or not implemented if funding does not come available
details on very last page = page 34.
=====KEY QUOTATIONS OF THE AGREEMENT, Article XI, starting page 25=====

Sub-section Article X1-Section 3-B-a-ii:


a: Student growth goals....ii.  During the student academic achievement goal setting process the evaluator and the certificated employee should review and discuss:

b. Professional Growth Goal(s)   i. The evaluator will meet with individual certificated employees to set at least one annual professional growth goal linked to the student academic achievement goal(s) and school’s CSIP plan. The certificated employee and the evaluator have a joint responsibility to develop the growth goal(s) in a collaborative manner, and identify any support resources needed. The certificated employee and evaluator will sign the completed Goal Setting Plan, each should retain a copy.


SECTION D: PG&E – Comprehensive Evaluation
SECTION E: GENERAL EVALUATION.....[less risky evaluation: worst case scenario is getting put on probation]
1. Once proficient in all four domains, a certificated employee will be evaluated under a general evaluation (as outlined in Section E) unless one of the following occurs:
a. Based upon formal or informal observations and conferences, the evaluator deems the employee’s overall performance to be no longer proficient in one or more of the criteria and domains; or
b. The employee’s students do not meet typical growth, as defined in Article XI, Section G.
c. The employee voluntarily moves to a comprehensive evaluation in order to be considered for a career ladder position. [so you can't access the career ladder unless you are wiling to have student test scores be part of your evaluation]
2. The decision to move an employee to the Comprehensive Evaluation is not grievable, but a meeting of the employee, his/her SEA representative, the supervisor and the SPS Executive Director of Schools may be called by the employee to discuss the reasons for the change.
3. Once a teacher has demonstrated proficiency in all four domains and met typical growth standards, then he/she will be evaluated as set forth in Section E [i.e., according to less risky general eval] above.
When common district-wide assessments are available, the results of those assessments will be used to determine a student growth rating. These results will be calculated as set forth below.....
.....8. Performance Expectations
a. The performance of a teacher’s students on each assessment will be rated according to a 100-point scale signifying the following:
i. Low growth: less than 35
ii. Typical growth: 35-70
iii. High growth: more than 70
b. A teacher’s overall rating will equal the average of his/her ratings on all common assessments over two years.
c. Teachers will be eligible to apply for career ladder positions if they are “Innovative” in at least two of the following domains: Classroom Environment; Planning and Preparation; or Instruction. They must be at least “Proficient” in the other domains. They must also demonstrate high student growth averaged over two years.















